Student Enrolment Application

If you would like to enrol your student into the upcoming term of Lil Sew 'n' Sews Classes, please complete and submit the application form below for Wendy to finalise your enrolment prior to the beginning of term.

Please be advised that a 'Lets Start Sewing Kit' is required to commence classes with Lil Sew 'n' Sews, this kit cost will be added to your first term fees.



Student Enrolment Terms & Conditions

1. I give permission for my child to be a participant of sewing classes held by Lil Sew 'n' Sews Handmade at 12 Trade Wind Drive, Tanby Heights ("the program").

2. I have provided all the information that is necessary for employees and volunteers of the program to plan safe and reasonable care of my child during the program.

3. In the event of any accident of illness throughout the duration of the program, where contact with the children's parent/guardian is impossible, I hereby authorise the obtaining on my behalf of any medical assistance for my child that a registered medical practitioner considers necessary. I further authorise qualified practitioners to administer anaesthetic to my child if such eventuality arises. I undertake to pay any medical, ambulance fees and/or costs incurred in this regard.

4. I understand that the program and its owners, teachers and volunteers will under no circumstances be held responsible for any personal injuries, damage and loss to my child that may occur: A) in the course of travelling to and from the program and/or B) at the attendance of the program. 

5. I will not bring any legal claim on my child's behalf against the program and it's owners, teachers and volunteers in the event that any personal injury, damage or loss is sustained by my child.

6. I accept that photos taken in class of students with their sewing product may be used for social media purposes.

7. I understand and agree that tuition fees must be paid in full by Week 3 of Term, or lessons will be ceased until paid in full.

8. I acknowledge by my signature on the enrolment form provided that I have read this permission and disclaimer form and agree with the conditions set out above.